Shipping & Delivery Policy

  1. Estimated Delivery Range:

Our estimated delivery range is designed to provide you with a clear timeframe for receiving your order. We strive to deliver within [30] to [48] minutes/hours from the time of order confirmation.

  1. Delivery Charges per Kilometer:

We charge a nominal fee of [10] rupees per kilometer for delivery beyond the initial [4km] radius from the town center.

  1. Shipping Costs:

Standard shipping costs amount to Rs. 40 for orders within the initial 4-kilometer radius.

  1. Delivery Locations:

Our delivery service initiates from the central point in town. We aim to cover a comprehensive delivery radius, ensuring accessibility to a broad range of locations within the town.

  1. Delivery Methods:

All deliveries are conducted using eco-friendly electric scooters, aligning with our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices. This not only minimizes our environmental impact but also allows for efficient and timely deliveries.